• Expertise Empathy Integrity

  • The vigilant way is to call +31 6 13697421. But you could also send me an e-mail.

    Help on distance or nearby

    You can hire Vigilant Paralegal Solutions at any time at any place. Vigilant Paralegal Solutions has its own office, but you can also have the job done on your own offices.

    What if the calender of Vigilant Paralegal Solutions already is filled? In that case you could make use of the network of Vigilant Paralegal Solutions consisting of several professional paralegals.

    It is just a matter of making the right appointments. A commission contract containing all clear terms and conditions forms the basis of the assignment of Vigilant Paralegal Solutions.


    Do you recognize this? The moment someone asks something really unusual. You do not have the capacity to immediately act, but accepting the challenge is not an issue. With Vigilant Paralegal Solutions you are able to perform as usual to your precious client and your own people can stay to the usual day-to-day files.

    Do you also recognize this one? It seems everyone in the Netherlands knocks at your door, right in time when the influenza virus travels fast around your offices. And one of you best employees is absent because of her maternity leave.

    A peak load is the result. And of course this is not the moment to hire new people on a regular basis. The peak load and stress shall be over in a few months. Just hire Vigilant Paralegal Solutions, so that your employees who will continue their work while whistling their favourite tune.

    Enlarge your distance towards your competition

    Because Vigilant Paralegal Solutions operates at a lower hourly rate than you have to charge for your regular employees, it is possible to handle consuming but relatively simple dossiers for a lower total rate while maintaining a reasonable margin. Just think of setting up a large amount of B.V.'s within a group in the same way. That is not very difficult but it is time-intensive. Your client will be grateful.